The Conquerors

The Conquerors: Unleashing the Power of Faith and Character

As young Muslims, we are constantly faced with challenges and temptations that can test our faith and character. But with the right guidance and mindset, we can overcome these obstacles and become the conquerors of our own destinies.

In this article, we will explore the importance of Tafseer of Juz Amma, character-building lessons, and Islamic storytelling in helping us achieve our goals and become the best versions of ourselves.

Tafseer of Juz Amma: Unlocking the Secrets of the Quran

Juz Amma is the 30th and final part of the Quran, and the Tafseer of Juz Amma it contains some of the most powerful and inspiring verses in the entire book. By studying the Tafseer of Juz Amma, we can gain a deeper understanding of the Quran and its teachings, and apply its wisdom to our everyday lives.

Here are some benefits of studying the Tafseer of Juz Amma

Character-Building Lessons: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

Character-building lessons are an essential part of any Muslim’s education and development. By learning and applying these lessons, we can become better versions of ourselves and achieve our goals and aspirations.

Here are some important character-building lessons that we can learn from the Quran and the Hadith

Islamic Storytelling: Learning from the Lives of the Prophets and Companions

Islamic storytelling is a powerful tool for learning and inspiration. By studying the lives and experiences of the Prophets and Companions, we can gain valuable insights and Islamic lessons that can help us navigate the challenges of our own lives.

Here are some benefits of Islamic storytelling

Practical Tips for the Conquerors

As young Muslims, we have the power to shape our own destinies and achieve our goals and aspirations. Here are some practical tips for applying the lessons of Tafseer of Juz Amma, character-building lessons, and Islamic storytelling to our everyday lives:


As young Muslims, we have the power to become the conquerors of our own destinies. By studying the Tafseer of Juz Amma, learning character-building lessons, and applying the insights and wisdom of Islamic storytelling, we can achieve our goals and aspirations and become the best versions of ourselves.

Remember, the journey to becoming a conqueror is not easy, but with determination, perseverance, and faith, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness.

Additional Resources

Tips for the Conquerors

The Conquerors (Ages 13+ yrs)

  • Love for Allah SWT
  • Tafseer of Juz Amma
  • Meeting Muhammad SAW
  • 200 Golden Hadith
  • Character Transformation through stories
  • Fiqh

On Campus :
611 Serafini Crescent , Milton
Saturday 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Online :
Sunday 1:00 pm-3:00pm

Fee : $55CAD/ Month


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